Sunday, January 26, 2020

Problems Faced By Chinese Students

Problems Faced By Chinese Students This current research is titled as Problems faced by Chinese students in learning English language: A case study of S.M. Pei Yuan KAMPAR. This chapter consists of nine sections which is background of the study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, research question, scope of study, methodology, limitation and definition of key words. Background of the study Learning English language as second language (L2) is a big challenge for second language learners. Students still have problems with grammatical functions most of the time, although they have 11 years of English language exposure. Hence, this study focuses on the first language (L1) grammatical functions that interfere with Chinese learners of English as a second language. In Malaysia, there are numerous learners who have Chinese language as their L1. Most of them have problems in learning English language especially the English grammar. Learners are more or less likely to be influenced either positively or negatively by their first language. According to Hassan (2002), learners L1 background knowledge will affect them in learning English language especially in speaking and writing. As a result, the interference of L1 has become the major problem for Chinese ESL learners in the process of learning English especially in writing. Chinese ESL learners will get interference from their L1 when they write. It is because they will get influence by their L1 grammatical structure. Besides, the differences of syntactic between L1 and L2 also will affect them in writing. A few studies have reported that Chinese ESL learners will use their mother tongue to plan an outline before writing (Cumming, 1989; Jones Tetroe, 1987), transfer the writing context to English language by using their mother tongue (Edelsky, 1982; Friedlander, 1990; Lay, 1982). Second language learners will use their mother tongue in such circumstances and the interferences from L1 to L2 can either be positive or negative. Learners L1 will influence In this study, researcher will examines mother tongue influence on Chinese learners 1.2 Statement of Problem To learn English as second language, learners at least have to master four basic skills which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. However, seldom Chinese ESL learners can fully master the skills especially in writing. It is because the L1 interferes of English Language causes grammatical errors in the writing process. According to Nik Safiah (1978), this kind of grammatical error can be obviously found in Chinse ESL learners essay writing. The differences between L1 and L2 grammatical funtions intefere on students English essay writing process. As we know that mastering English Language is not an easy task especially for learners who study in Chinese independent schools. It is because they mostly will get inteferenced from their L1 and affect the way they learn English. As a result, Chinese learners will face difficulty in learning English grammatical functions such as tenses, subject-verb agreement or countable and uncountable nouns. Although Chinese learners have exposed to English language since primary one, the errors still occur. Chinese ESL learner make this kind of grammatical errors because they do not fully utilize the language even though they are able to use it. As the saying goes, practise makes perfect if the learners do not polish their English language even with years of exposure to the language, it will make no different. 1.3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to find out if L1 interference have a significant effect on Chinese ESL learners English essay writing. Besides, this study is also to identify types of errors that Chinese ESL learners commonly make with English grammatical functions in the English essay writing. 1.4 Significance of Study Although learners learn English since the first day enter they school. However, most of them cannot fully master English as their second language. This study can help teachers to understand the problems that learners face when they are learning English. Besides, teachers can identify the influence of learners L1 in learning English and among the errors, they help to correct the grammar. This can help to reduce the inteference of L1 from happening to students learning English. 1.5 Research Questions Based on the problems and purpose mentioned in the earlier sections, this study will focus on two research questions which are: Does L1 interference have a significant effect on Chinese Learners English essay writing? What types of errors do Chinese ESL learners commonly make with English grammatical functions in the English essay writing? 1.6 Scope of Study The aims of this study is to identify the inteference of learners L1 in learning English language. Learner who study in S.M. PEI YUAN (P) KPR would be chosen as participate in the writing test. This study is using purposive sampling because only one class of Chinese ESL learners will be selected as participants. 1.7 Methodology This study will utilize a test to find out why Chinese ESL learners have problems in learning grammar. The learners will be asked to write a short essay. The topic of the essay is My family and learners have to write around 100-120 words each. This test will be distributed to the learners during their classes. Thus, they will take the test seriously and the results of the data collected will be more precise. 1.8 Limitation This study is designed for those whose first language is not English language and have L1 background knowledge. The survey will only be conducted with one class of learners who study in S.M. PEI YUAN (P) KPR. Thus, the result do not represented all Chinese ESL learners. 1.9 Definition of key words Inteference learners make an error in ther L2 which influnced by their L1 (Lott,1983:256).

Friday, January 17, 2020

The gender income gap

Abstract The Gender Wage Gap is something invented by prehistoric man back in the sass's. Designed to keep women from making the same money and receiving the same benefits as their male counter-parts. This was a devise born in gender discrimination , intended to keep women in her place. When it was found to be unconstitutional they tried to fix it , but the monster had grown out of proportion. It had gotten so out of hand that no one not even the original creator could recognize it.There are so many factors that make up the gap but the largest factor still remains as discrimination. The Gender Gap For as long as there have been Jobs and Women in the workplace. There still exists a terrible unaddressed form of gender prejudice. Statistics indicate that it doses*Г? matter if they have the same Skills, more time on the Job or the same Education. Women do not make the same money and receive the same benefits as men doing the same Job. How many female Coo's have you seen in fortune 50 0 companies?According to Francine Blab & Lawrence Kahn from the National Bureau of Economic Research @ http://www. Never. Org/papers/we Both gender-specific factors,including gender differences in qualifications and discrimination, and overall age structure contributed to this ever increasing gap. As far back as 1957 women chose occupations for which on -the -Job training is less important, gender differences in occupations would also be expected. Women would especially avoid jobs requiring large investments in skills which are unique to a particular enterprise.Because the returns to such investments are reaped only as long as one remains with that employer. At the same time, employers may be reluctant to hire women for such Jobs because the firm bears some of the cost of such firm-specific training, and ears not getting a full return on that investment. Many employers thought of women as temporary workers due to the probability of them leaving to start a family or already having a family or a successful husband who had the means to support them. Here lies the fallacy off man has to support his family.The ever present threat of pregnancy loomed in the heads of most employers. The playing field was evened out a little with the emergence of the birth control pill. The Power of the Pill. According to Claudia Golden & Lawrence Katz from the National Bureau of Economic Research @ http://www. Never. Org/papers/7527 When the pill was introduced to the female population after FDA approval in the sass's. Its had a direct positive effect on women's career investment by almost eliminating the chance of getting pregnant and thus the cost of having sex.The Pill also created a social multiplier effect by encouraging the delay of marriage generally and thus increasing a career woman's likelihood of finding an appropriate mate after professional school. Even though women are outpacing men in getting college degrees thief not enough to close the gender pay gap. The American As sociation of University Women tackled he pay gap question by looking at workers of the same educational attainment*name kind of college, same grades;loading the same kinds of Jobs, and having made the same choices about marriage and number of kids.They found that college-educated women earn 5 percent less the first year out of school than their male peers. Ten years later, even if they keep working on par with those men, the women earn 12% less. .. Jane Farrell and Sarah Jane Glenn explore the question of whether there is more gender equality among minority men and women than among whites†¦. Playing the Numbers. The Gender *rising High Education. According to Doyle, William R. Change. (May/June 2010) volume 42 Issue corporate Resources. There are two factors that contribute to the higher education gender gap in the US.First, the gap begins, and in mostly accounted for, by gaps in high school completion. Second the labor market continues to provide differential earnings for men and women, even those who are similar in terms of the education, experience, and choice of careers. Even if women and men had similar educational credentials, scores on standardized tests, field of study, and degree from college of similar selectivity the gap in earnings would be about $4,400. The Gender Gap for Young Professionals in the Corporate and Financial sector.According to a report written by M. Bertrand, C. Golden and L. Katz from the National Bureau of Economic Research @ http://www. Never. Org/papers/w14681 The career's of Mamba's, who graduated between 1990 and 2006 from a top US Business school, are studied to understand how career dynamics differ by gender. Although male and female Mamba's have nearly identical (labor) incomes at the outset of their career's , their earnings soon diverge , with a male annual earnings advantage reaching almost 60 log points and ten to 16 years after MBA completion.There were three identifiable reasons for the large and rising gender ga p in earnings: is differences in training prior to MBA graduation; differences in career interruptions; differences in weekly hours. Gender differences in earnings across the years following MBA completion. The presence of children is the main contributor to the lesser Job experience, greater career discontinuity and shorter work hours for female Mamba's. Gender differences in the annual Income of psychiatrists. According to Weeks, W. B. , & Wallace. ,A. E. (2007)Psychiatric Services,58(4),51 5-20.American Psychiatric Publishing,Len. In this article published on a study of the annual Income of female psychiatrists vs. that of male counterparts was 13% lower on an average from the 1980 thru to the 1990 and persisted on thru to 2001. It also stated that the female Doctor would more likely be employees of the practice, as opposed to having an ownership interest in the practice. This tells me that it din*Г? even matter how much education a woman had . Even in the halls of higher lea rning , there still existed this gender gap.It din*Г? matter if she had the same Education as a male doctor, There was still no equality in pay. And you know there was no physical inhibitors. Why wives earn less than husbands. According to Kraft,Susan. American Demographics.. Jan 94, Volvo. 16 Issue 1, Corporate Resources. Some married women are closing the earnings gap with married men, but most work fewer hours and at lower paying Jobs. A woman has a hard time matching a mans income, even if the man doses*Г? work. Because men who don*Г? work still have income from unemployment, disability, pensions, and investments.Working wives whose husbands don*Г? work make the largest contribution to family income, but even their contributions accounts for less than half(42%) of that segment's aggregate income. Then we have the two income households, where many wives find it too expensive to work. Many dual income families must subtract the cost of child care, and a second car. They only add an addition 14% to the families income. So more than likely they are working for Job benefits. And last but not least according to Thatcher, J. (2013). Art Monthly 50:50, (367), 5-8.Women are still woefully under-represented in the art world argues Jennifer Thatcher. :Last year an artist fired one of their studio assistants for being pregnant. She recalled that as soon as she made the announcement she was treated fervently , and spoken to as though she had made a huge mistake. Despite working as hard as she could in an attempt to prove she could manage the work. She was eventually asked to leave and forgo her rights to statutory maternity pay. There lies the Physical inhibitors, Gender Specific discrimination.This type of discrimination still exists in the work place, and they are not trying to hide it. To be spoken to and treat like you had a disorder of some sort is Just not exceptionable and against the law. For over 50 years women have suffered the consequences of this wage gap, between them and their male counter-parts. Since 1963 there has been a bill sitting in the halls of Justice and not in-forced due to its lack of Importance to our nations leaders (UN-popular). Women have suffered UN-imaginable hardships caused from this gap . Women are doomed from the beginning starting with their very first paycheck.The gap Just gets wider and wider not stopping until they receive their very last Social Security check. This gap has had serious ramifications for women and their families. What happened to our human rights? I thought I lived in America, we have gone to war in foreign countries defending their human rights. But when this issue comes up , they Just explain it away by saying men have to support their families Based on the evidence that I have submitted, you be the Judge is it fair that men and women doing the same Job don*Г? get paid the same money? This is discrimination in its worst form.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Role Of Cities And The Countryside Play During Rome s...

A. In chapter 4, Carter first describes how large the Roman empire was, explaining that the territory ranged from England, across Europe to the Middle East, and even into northern Africa (44). He goes further to describe the vast territory by stating the fact that 60 to 70 million people lived within the empire, with 5-7% living in the cities (44). Carter stated these facts so that the reader would have a better gauge for how large the empire was when he begins to explain his purpose of the chapter. Carter purpose in this chapter was to explain the role the cities and the countryside play in Rome’s empire, as well as how Christians dealt with urban-rural life in Rome’s empire. B. I found Carter’s comparison of the three communities founded by Paul to be of particular interest. Carter’s explanation of the three communities in Thessalonica, Corinth, and Philippi demonstrated how each city had a unique culture, thereby requiring Paul to adapt his letters accordingly. For example, the community in Corinth imported the imperial culture into the church (59). Paul expresses his disapproval of this culture in his letter by urging cultural distance and distinctiveness from the imperial culture that he believes is immoral (60). This culture was vastly different from that of the community in Philippi. The community in Philippi had issues with wavering faith, unity, and fear (61). Paul then adapts his letter accordingly, encouraging this community to stand firm, be united, and not beShow MoreRelated Tourism in Greece, Italy, and Turkey Essay2161 Words   |  9 Pageswhere do these countries draw most of their tourists What are the most popular cities t o visit within these countries What are these countries doing to counter the effects of 11 September? In 2001, Europe attracted 58 percent of worldwide tourists, continuing its trend of being the worlds most popular tourist destination (WTO 13). 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The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  ©2004 by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission providedRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesobjective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sà £o Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have beenRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 PagesLondon, The Warburg Institute, University of London, 1962 French B. Bakhouche, F. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Personal Experience At The Military - 2071 Words

My personal experience a Non Commissioned Officer in the military, my career started on 25 March 1988, it all started with my lifelong dream of being a Soldier. My next-door neighbor was a Sergeant in the Army and every day when he gets home I would sit and chat with him, I would say I was no older than eight years old, he would say â€Å"Curtis, I can tell you will join the service in ten years from now, because every day you have different questions regarding the military† and trust me this was each and every single day that I have a series of questions prepared for him when he gets home. I have to say that he was the most patients man I have every met in my life because not once has he ever get tired of me asking him questions, as far as I know. On March 09, 1988 I realized that my high school day will be over in a couple months and it will be time to seek my next avenue and lifestyle. I went to my principal and asked him, if I get a note from all my teachers stating that I am having no problem with my classes and is sure to graduate in June, would it be possible to get a letter from him so I could join the service? My principal replied with â€Å"I would be delighted to give you a letter†, at that time I told him there is one more favor I would like, when he asked â€Å"and what would that be† I told him I want to leave within the next few weeks and skip my graduation, because the sooner I could head to basic training the quicker I would be on my way of living my dream of being aShow MoreRelatedDouble Canopy, And Decision Making At My Level993 Words   |  4 PagesMy or my past organizations are generally the same as Triple Canopy, and decision making at my level is left to the discretion of the force protection specialist, the personal security officer, and DOD guard. â€Å"If† you cannot make a decision at the individual level with the appropriate judgement, analytical skills or sound reasoning then you don’t belong in the business. 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